Colorado has numerous species of spiders that can be found in and around homes. Most are harmless to humans.
Funnel Weaver Spider
One of the most common spiders found in homes in our area. They create a funnel which they can escape into when predators are around. These funnels are often seen in juniper bushes, grass, and in corners of buildings. They are frequently misidentified as brown recluse spiders and are harmless.
Jumping Spiders
Many species of jumping spiders are found in our area, many are brightly colored and are generally harmless.
Dysdera crocata or Wood Louse Hunter
This could be one of our scariest looking spiders as it is hairless and has large fangs which it uses to crush the shells of pillbugs or roly-polies. They can produce a painful bite but are not aggressive and their venom is considered harmless to humans.
Sac Spiders
They as generally pale to light green in color and are often found in homes near the interface between the ceiling and wall.
Wolf Spiders
One of our biggest spiders found in the state. These spiders can enter homes and while normally non aggressive they can produce a painful bite.
Widow Spiders
One of our most venomous spiders in the area, widows like nesting areas generally away from people and activity. Dark corners in basements/garages, wood piles, and other areas left undisturbed are favorite haunts of these spiders. While their bite is very painful and potentially dangerous, widows are not aggressive and bite humans infrequently.